

::: 臺北市街頭藝人登記及展演申請平台 / Regulations for Street Performance in Taipei City
»Regulations for Street Performance in Taipei City
<p><strong>Section 1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></p> <p>The Taipei City Government (&ldquo;TCG&rdquo;) has drawn up these regulations in order to encourage the diverse development of art and cultural activities in Taipei City (&ldquo;Taipei&rdquo;), improve the administration of street performances, and promote the reasonable use of public performance spaces.&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 2. &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></p> <p>The competent authority for these regulations is the Taipei City Government Department of Cultural Affairs (&ldquo;DCA&rdquo;).</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 3. &nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>&nbsp;</p> <p>The relevant terminology is defined below:<br /> (1) Street Performer: A natural person who performs in public spaces.<br /> (2) Public Performance Space: TCG-approved spaces greater than eight metres in width, such as pavements, pedestrian zones, underground streets, squares, parks, and green spaces.<br /> (3)Performances: The following types of performances in public spaces involving on-site creation in a public performance space and audience gratuities or set fees.<br /> (i) Performing arts: live performances such as drama, mime, clowning, dance, singing, instrumental performance, magic shows, folk arts, vaudeville, puppetry, poetry recitals, and performance art.<br /> (ii)Visual arts: paintings created on site, figures created on site with various media, environmental art, video recording, and photography.<br /> (iii)Arts and crafts: handicrafts created and completed on site.<br /> (4) Public Performance Space Management Authorities (&ldquo;Management Authorities&rdquo;): Management Authorities statutorily charged with the management of public performance spaces, or the various TCG agencies or institutions contractually responsible for the management of public performance spaces.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 4. &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></p> <p>The DCA may coordinate the various TCG agencies in the planning and provision of performance areas and time slots for Street Performers to enable them to give Performances to the extent that this does not interfere with the original purpose(s) of the public property.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 5. &nbsp;</strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>Those who meet one of the following requirements are eligible to apply to the DCA for registration as a Taipei Street Performer.<br /> (1) ROC citizens over the age of 16.<br /> (2) Foreign citizens over the age of 16 who hold an art and performing arts work permit, or who work in a job covered by paragraphs 1 to 6 of Article 46 of the ROC Employment Service Act, and who have a non&ndash;art and performing arts work permit.<br /> To make an application under the terms of the preceding paragraph, the applicant shall fill out an application form, detailing the following information and with the relevant supporting documents and information attached. If the application is made by an agent, a letter of appointment shall be submitted; if there are changes to the registration information, the same conditions apply:<br /> (i)Applicant&rsquo;s name, date of birth, national ID card number or passport number, contact address and telephone number.<br /> (ii)If the applicant is a minor, their legal representative&rsquo;s name, national ID card number or passport number, contact address and telephone number, and the legal representative&rsquo;s consent form.<br /> (iii)A description of the Performance act and category.<br /> (iv)Other requisite information, as specified by the DCA, together with the relevant documents and materials. Should information be missing from an application, the DCA shall notify the applicant to make corrections within a time limit. Applications which are not completed by the deadline shall be rejected.<br /> If an application does not meet the requirements in (1) or (2) above, the DCA shall reject the application; if a Street Performer has already been registered, the registration shall be cancelled or rescinded.<br /> The valid period of registration for Taipei Street Performers is two years. Each application requires the payment of a registration fee of NT$200. Changes of Performance category or act shall incur a payment of NT$100.<br /> Applicants who hold a certificate of physical or mental disability or who come from low-income households are exempted from the aforementioned fees.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 6. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> &nbsp;</p> <p>To apply for a permit to perform in a public space (&ldquo;permit&rdquo;), Taipei Street Performers registered in accordance with the provisions of the preceding section, and Street Performers registered in other municipalities or counties (cities) who are permitted to engage in art and cultural performances in Taipei in line with TCG provisions, shall fill in an application form, giving the following information and attaching the relevant supporting documents and materials, and submit it to the Management Authorities:<br /> (1) Applicant&rsquo;s name, date of birth, national ID card number or passport number, contact address and telephone number.<br /> (2) If the applicant is a minor, their legal representative&rsquo;s name, national ID card number or passport number, contact address and telephone number, and the legal representative&rsquo;s consent form.<br /> (3) Taipei Street Performer ID number, or Street Performer ID number for other municipalities or counties (cities).<br /> (4) A detailed description of the Performance including Performance category, act, content, time, location, and equipment.<br /> (5) Other requisite information specified by the Management Authorities, together with the relevant documents and materials.<br /> In the management of street performances, the DCA may, as needed, collect, process and use personal data submitted by Street Performers in other municipalities, counties (cities) in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 7. &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></p> <p>The Management Authorities shall consider the particulars of each public performance space and specify the eligible Performance categories, acts, times, locations, and other management-related details.<br /> In reviewing applications as described in the preceding section, the Management Authorities may require the applicant to present themselves at a specific location to give an audition or in-person explanation, as necessary.<br /> If more than two applications are made for the same time slot in the same Performance Space, the Management Authorities may decide to allocate the space and time on a first-come, first-served basis, by lottery, or using any other open and fair method.<br /> The Management Authorities may outsource tasks specified in these Regulations to other TCG bodies or private organizations or individuals. All such tasks, together with the legal basis for their outsourcing, shall be announced in government bulletins or printed news.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 8. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> &nbsp;</p> <p>In the event of any of the following, the Management Authorities shall reject the application, or, if it has already been approved, shall revoke or rescind the use permit:<br /> (1) &nbsp;The applicant is not registered as a Taipei Street Performer in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 or is a registered Street Performer in other municipalities, counties (cities) that are not permitted to engage in art and cultural performances in Taipei, in accordance with TCG announcements.<br /> (2) &nbsp;The applicant has contravened the regulations stipulated in paragraph 3 of Section 12 within the last year.<br /> (3) The applicant has submitted a fraudulent application or used other illegitimate methods, or the application materials have been proved to be false or misleading.<br /> (4) &nbsp;The applicant has outstanding permit fees, security deposits, damages, or other expenses owing to the Management Authorities.<br /> (5) The applicant&rsquo;s Performance (category or act) is not in line with the category or act registered by the applicant in accordance with Section 5.<br /> (6) The Performance may disrupt general use of the Performance Space or other activities approved by the Management Authorities.<br /> (7) The Performance may endanger public safety, traffic safety or public sanitation.<br /> (8) The Performance Space is temporarily out of use, for reasons of official business.<br /> If none of the above can be attributed to the applicant, all fees paid shall be refunded interest-free, and the applicant shall not seek remedy or compensation.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 9. &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Where a permit has been granted and the applicant cannot use it as agreed, they shall notify the Management Authorities in writing to cancel the time slot before the deadline set by the Management Authorities. All fees shall be refunded without interest, except for any administrative expenses incurred.<br /> If the applicant fails to notify the Management Authorities before the deadline, any fees paid will not be refunded, and the applicant shall be liable to pay any damages that the Management Authorities suffers as a result, except if the failure to notify is not attributable to the applicant.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 10. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> &nbsp;</p> <p>The Management Authorities shall reserve 3% of the total number of Performances in each Public Performance Space and give priority to applicants with Indigenous Person status.<br /> The total number of Performance slots shall be determined by each Management Authorities.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 11. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong> &nbsp;</p> <p>The collection of Performance Space permit fees, deposits, and other related fees shall be carried out in accordance with the Charges and Fees Act and other relevant laws and regulations.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 12.&nbsp;</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> Street Performers giving Performances shall abide by the following regulations:<br /> (1) &nbsp;All permit fees, deposits, and other due fees shall be paid before the deadlines set by the Management Authorities.<br /> (2) Once a permit has been obtained, neither part nor the whole of the Performance Space shall be allocated or provided for another person&rsquo;s use without authorization by the Management Authorities.<br /> (3) The Performance content, time, location, and necessary equipment shall be in accordance with the permit and may not interfere with the original purpose(s) of the Public Space or any other activities approved by the Management Authorities.<br /> (4) The relevant Street Performer certification shall be clearly displayed at the site of the Performance.<br /> (5) The acceptance of gratuities or other fees shall be clearly indicated at the site of the Performance.<br /> (6) The Performance shall consist of a live creative work or performances; finished products from off-site creative work or performances shall not be sold.<br /> (7) &nbsp;All necessary materials and equipment shall in the first instance be provided by Street Performer. All and any materials or equipment provided by the Management Authorities shall be restored to their original condition after use and returned. Missing or damaged materials or equipment shall be made whole, repaired, or paid for at full retail price. Street Performers are responsible for safeguarding their own belongings, and the Management Authorities shall not be liable.<br /> (8) &nbsp;If the use of posters or promotional materials is required, they shall be affixed at designated locations and times once permission has been obtained from the Management Authorities. Without the permission of the Management Authorities, the use of glue, adhesive tape, thumbtacks, or other objects that may damage the walls, floors, or other facilities of the Public Performance Space is prohibited. If permission is granted, the Performer shall restore the Performance Space to its original state immediately after the end of the Performance.<br /> (9) The use of torches, firecrackers, or other dangerous objects is prohibited, unless expressly permitted by the Management Authorities or otherwise specified.<br /> (10) Without the permission of the Management Authorities, the use of Performance Space electrical power supplies is prohibited.<br /> (11) The Performer shall commit no acts that endanger the physical or mental health or safety of the public, obstruct traffic, harm public sanitation or order, damage public property, or interfere with public affairs.<br /> (12) There shall be no other violations of laws and regulations, Performance Space management regulations, or damage to the Management Authorities.<br /> In the event that a Street Performer violates the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the Management Authorities may order them immediately to make redress, halt Performances, or take other necessary measures, and may cancel or rescind their permit. All related expenses shall be borne by the Street Performer and paid when due. If necessary, the police may be asked to assist.<br /> If any Street Performer commits an egregious violation of any of (1) to (12), the Management Authorities shall not accept further applications from that Performer for one year from the date of the violation.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 13.&nbsp;</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> When a Performance ends, the security deposit shall be refunded without interest. If the venue, equipment, public facilities are defective or damaged, or the Management Authorities incurs damages as a result of the Street Performer&rsquo;s violation of these Regulations, the Management Authorities may deduct an amount equivalent to the damage compensation from the security deposit; if the deposit is insufficient, the Management Authorities may recover this amount.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 14.&nbsp;</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> Street Performers shall consider the nature of their Performances and make arrangement for their own safety.<br /> The Management Authorities may require Street Performers to take out fire insurance, public accident liability insurance, or other related insurance policies, as needed, at their own expense; or the Agency may itself insure Performers and collect insurance fees from Performers.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 15.&nbsp;</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> In order to promote the exchange of Street Performer skills, the DCA may hold occasional selections, competitions, or other incentivizing activities.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 16.&nbsp;</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> The layout of application forms stipulated in these Regulations shall be determined by the DCA.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 17.&nbsp;</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> Until these Regulations have been implemented, if any person holds a Taipei Street Performer permit valid after the implementation date, the DCA shall proceed with registration in line with Section 5, and the validity period of the new permit shall be the same as that of the original permit.<br /> Taipei Street Performers in the circumstances described in the preceding paragraph shall be exempted from the registration fee specified in paragraph 4 of Section 5.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Section 18.&nbsp;</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> These Regulations took effect on 1st March 2021.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <strong>Taipei City Street Performers Registration Form</strong><br /> Please download the form, fill out completely, and&nbsp;email to the mail box:<a href="mailto:taipeibuskerworkshop@gmail.com" title="taipeibuskerworkshop@gmail.com">taipeibuskerworkshop@gmail.com</a><br /> <br /> &nbsp;</p> 2021 Taipei City Street Performers Registration Form_PDF download(另開新視窗)
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